Thursday, May 17, 2007

Afternight reflection: OVRs and blogging: a new approach?

Thinking about a comment that Lucy made to this blog, I have decided that I will not use it as a substitute to the Overseas Visit Report (that was one of my intentions, and you can see it in the initial entries below). Instead, I will use it as a complement.

I need to think more about this, but I am beginning to feel that it would be great if the blog contains the anecdotes of the trip and the OVR becomes one or more learning documents that we can use as inputs for IA2 or other areas of the organisation.

I am beginning to understand that I have been using the wrong approach to OVRs: I have been mixing anecdotal info with critical lessons and insights that can really make a difference in the way we work. At the end, these critical inputs get lost with the OVR and archived til the end of times.

I will try this out: from now on, this blog will be like a journalist diary... kind of a documentary of my visit, and I will ellaborate on the more technical stuff when I am in the UK.

I am also finding that blogging promotes in me the disciplines of writting and reflection because there are readers out there who are eager to know how my trip is going, right? (hellooooo.... anyone out there?). It is fun, I like to feel like a reporter in the field!

I hope you enjoy it as well.

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